Leading for Creative Thinking

A global learning community for school, system and teacher leaders who want to nurture creativity.

We bring leaders together to connect and share, empowering them to embed creative thinking into every aspect of their school's life.

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Leading for Creative Thinking is led by CCE, a UK based international charity, in collaboration with our partners.

Our mission at Leading for Creative Thinking is to bring together and enable educational leaders to foster a culture that explicitly develops the creativity of both staff and students.

Creativity is crucial. Nurturing creative thinking skills equips leaders to be agile, teachers to flourish and pupils to thrive in an ever-changing world.

To do this well, committed creative leadership is vital.

a book with a title of creative thinking in schools

Creative Thinking in Schools: A leadership playbook

Creative Thinking in Schools: A leadership playbook has been devised by an internationally renowned team of thought-leaders, researchers and facilitators. The playbook is a practical guide drawing together a deep understanding about school and system change with experience of cultivating creative thinking and promoting creative learning habits in schools. 

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