Young Creativity Champions


This activity is for leaders and teachers in schools who have an existing approach to engaging and consulting children and young people about creativity and creative thinking. Your school or setting may use a different name (for example School Creativity Council) but for the purposes of this activity we will use the term Young Creativity Champions (YCC).

Resources and setting up 

Each group will need a set of the following resources: 

  • 2 copies of Resource 1: Lundy Model
  • An A3 print out of Resource 2: Lundy Model graphic equalizer
  • 2 copies of Resource 3: Lundy’s Model in practice - questions to ask yourself and of your work
  • 2 copies of Resource 4: Involving seldom-heard children and young people as Creativity Champions
  • An A3 print out of Resource 5: Setting up or reviewing a Young Creativity Champions group (or write it up on flipchart paper)
  • A marker pen
  • Some A3 or flipchart paper
  • A4 paper – I sheet per person 


75 minutes

Getting going 

Before starting this activity, you and all the participants will need to read the following documents: 

  • Resource 1: Lundy Model
  • Resource 4: Involving seldom-heard children and young people as Young Creativity Champions.

You’ll need access to the Creative Schools Ireland film, a projector, screen and speakers.

Creative Schools Ireland film link:

Step 1 – 5 minutes
Get everyone in groups around tables and watch the Creative Schools Ireland film and do a short reflection – below are some ideas for reflection questions:

  • What did you notice? 
  • How does the make of our YCC compare to that of Stanhope Street School which involved children across all classes?
  • Children appeared to have a strong role in planning and decision making how does this compare to our school? 
  • Creative thinking was mainly being explored in arts subjects – how does this compare to our school?

Creative Schools Ireland film link:


Step 2 – 20 minutes 

Briefly introduce the Lundy Model. 

Share Resource 1: Lundy Model and Resource 2: Lundy Model graphic equalizer. 

In your group begin with ‘Space’ on Resource 1. Reflect on your schools existing YCC. Consider each of the 4 elements of the Lundy model, agree a rating and mark it on the Graphic Equalizer.


Step 3 - 25 minutes 

Share Resource 3: Lundy’s Model in practice - questions to ask yourself and of your work.  Assign each group one element (Space, Voice, Audience or Influence) of the Lundy Model. 

In your group review the questions in Resource 3 for the element of the Lundy Model you have been assigned.  Look at the rating for that element and consider:

  • Do you need to change the rating – should it be higher or lower?
  • Based on the questions what might you improve upon or introduce to your approach to children and young people's participation in decision making?  Write your ideas down on paper.

Each group briefly shares their ideas with the whole group.


Step 4 – 25 minutes 

Remind everyone about Resource 4: Involving seldom-heard children and young people as Young Creativity Champions and hand out Resource 5: Reviewing your Young Creativity Champions group. 
In your group consider the questions in Resource 5 writing your thoughts and ideas as you go. 

Reflecting together

Step 5 - 10 minutes 

Give each person a piece of A4 paper. 

Write AN IMPORTANT NEXT STEP FROM TODAY SHOULD BE……on the top of the page and complete the sentence writing neatly but do not include your name. 

On the count of three (and not before!) scrunch your paper into a snowball. Next on the count of three throw it anywhere in the room. On the count of three pick up a snowball, open it, read it and write a response. 

On the count of three scrunch the snowball back up. On the count of three throw it and on the count of three pick up a snowball.  Read it and share what is written (you may not have enough time for everyone to share) with the whole group.

And finally, agree next steps including scanning and sharing the completed Resource 5 from all the groups.


Resource 1 – Lundy Model


Resource 2 - Lundy Model Graphic Equalizer


Resource 2 - Lundy Model Graphic Equalizer


Resource 3 - Lundy's Model in Practice


Resource 4 - Involving Seldom-Heard Children and Young People as Young Creativity Champions


Resource 5 - Reviewing your Young Creativity Champions Group


Activity Print Out - Young Creativity Champions

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